
Evocative modern classical piano sheet music

for nostalgic, peaceful pianists

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Modern Classical
Piano Sheet Music

Wistful Hands is all about captivating, beautiful piano music and we work with some of the most talented and prolific artists working in the genre today. This is where you will discover a treasure trove of sheet music that ranges from deep and haunting to light and uplifting… and everywhere in between.

All sheet music arrives instantly to your inbox so you can begin playing straight away. Our high quality PDF format looks great on paper, iPad & tablet, phone, and computer. Anywhere behind a piano!

Our goal is to keep Modern Classical piano music going strong by supporting the artists who make the music you love. Wistful Hands artists put every ounce of emotion they have into their craft, and we pay them fairly. They make over twice as much as we do from each sheet music sale.


Featured Artists



Geert Veneklaas is a Dutch composer of contemporary neoclassical music for solo pinao. He began playing the piano at a young age, driven by his broad musical interest and desire to understand how music works.

Although his training as a music teacher might have pointed towards a career in education, he chose to follow his passion and became a keyboard player in a rock band. Despite charting in the Dutch charts and touring the club circuit, he eventually decided to end his pop career and focus on developing himself as a composer and arranger. This led to several accomplishments, including scoring for a short film that was screened at several international film festivals.

In recent years he has refocused his attention on composing contemporary classical piano pieces, drawing from his roots. He released his first compositions in 2021, and released his first album “Reflections” in 2023.




Josiah is a modern classical composer and pianist whose music features delicate, memorable melodies and lush harmonies, yet fringes on elegant simplicity. 

You’ll be whisked away to warm memories hidden for years and later be found lost in wonder.

Keywords: nostalgia, introspection, childlike wonder, mystery, melancholy, deep, haunting, beautiful, delicate, emotional.

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“When your wistful hands have forgotten their purpose, let them play.”

Autumn Waltz by Josiah Ausitn - Sheet Music Mockup